3,000 Alumni Strong for Hampden-Sydney College

Strength is both a state of soundness and vigor and a reflection of health and vitality. It comes from many sources and influences. For Hampden-Sydney alumni, strength is the product of an education rooted in critical thinking, clear expression, and honor. It was made possible by a dedicated faculty and staff whose influences helped to forge each man’s strength of character.

Over the next few months, the videos on this website will feature the familiar faces and voices of Hampden-Sydney faculty and staff, reminding alumni of the indelible impact this place had on their lives and urging support for the 3,000 Alumni Strong challenge.

Why 3,000?

The goal is to increase alumni giving participation to 32% by receiving contributions from at least 3,000 alumni by June 30, 2013. Today 1,725 alumni have given during this fiscal year. At the end of last fiscal year, 2,600 alumni, or 29%, had given to the College. If you haven’t contributed in this fiscal year, make your gift today to help the College become 3,000 Alumni Strong.

Make A Gift Today »

Dr. Pontuso supports 3,000 Strong Challenge

What We Support


Our goal is 3,000 alumni donors. Last year we finished at 2,599. Here's where we stand today:

We're over halfway there and counting!

Alumni Donor Progress

1725 / 3000 Alumni Donors